How to Make WordPress Seo Settings?

WordPres Seo

WordPress, the world’s most used website creation software, makes it possible for you to use advanced seo tools.

WordPress, with hundreds of thousands of developers, is updated depending on technological developments and Google algorithms. In order to adjust the SEO settings of your WordPress site, you need to install some plugins called plugins.

Permalink Settings

The most important thing to pay attention to on a site made with WordPress is the permalink settings.

The first step of your SEO work is to determine how your site’s links will be expressed with this system known as “url rewrite”.

For example, with these settings, you can make any page of your site appear as “/seo-settings” instead of “/pageid?=12”. Changing this setting frequently is not recommended as it will affect search engine visibility.

Detailed SEO Settings

The free versions of SEO plugins used on WordPress such as Yoast, All in one Seo Pack, Seo Framework are sufficient for detailed SEO settings. However, if you need advanced SEO settings, it is useful to get paid versions of these plugins.

All SEO plugins; It allows you to add keywords, meta titles and meta descriptions to your pages. In addition, plugins like Yoast offer alerts for points where you need to improve your content.

Yoast is the most popular SEO tool that offers the ability to set up much more detailed elements besides sitemaps. However, it may take some time to use and learn.

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